About Hope Mennonite Church
Hope Mennonite Church is an energetic congregation of 100 people, ranging from newborns to 80-year-olds. We seek to live as disciples of Jesus Christ with compassion rooted in faith, pursuing God’s vision for a more just and peaceful world.
What Do We Believe?
Mission Statement
As an Anabaptist community of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit, Hope Mennonite Church is calling and making disciples who bring Christ’s love and peace to our world.

Worship and Spirituality
God is calling Hope Mennonite Church to be a congregation that worships, prays, seeks spiritual growth and the discovery of personal gifts in our lives through the study of the Bible, a focus on the teaching and example of Jesus Christ, and the discernment of the Holy Spirit moving in our lives and world. (2 Cor. 3:17-18, Matt. 5:1-12)
Christian Education
God is calling Hope Mennonite Church to be a congregation that educates followers of all ages and walks of life in the Christian faith and our Anabaptist heritage for personal growth, leadership in Christ’s Church, and preparation for living lives of peace, justice and wholeness in our homes, schools, communities, work and world. (Eph. 1:15-23)
Caring Relationships
God is calling Hope Mennonite Church to be a congregation that provides opportunities for peopleof all ages to be nurtured by small groups and loving relationships for support, guidance, reconciliation, accountability, celebration and growth into the body of Christ. (Mark 3:31-35, Eph. 4:15-16)
God is calling Hope Mennonite Church to be a congregation that weaves together faith and practice as servants and prophets through participation in mission, service, peace and justice efforts in our local, national and global communities. (Matt. 5:38-48, Mark 8:31-38, John 13:1-15, James 2:14-17)
God is calling Hope Mennonite Church to be a congregation that proclaims the Word of God’s liberation and salvation and invites family, friends, colleagues and all people to join our family of faith in relationship with Jesus Christ. (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8)
God is calling Hope Mennonite Church to be a congregation that dedicates itself and the members of the family to the stewardship of God’s gifts (of time, money, talents and other resources) as we strive to live lifestyles of simplicity and faithful responsibility. (Matt. 6:24-34, Luke 12:35-48, Hebrews 13:5)
Conference and Church Relationships
God is calling Hope Mennonite Church to be a congregation that nurtures relationships with other churches in Wichita, the Western District Conference, conference-related organizations, and other local, national and global church bodies. (Romans 15:25-29, 2 Cor. 9:1-15)
Our Church Staff

Sara Dick

Kim Voth (left)
Cynthia Loganbill (right)

Heidi Johnson