
Small Groups at Hope: An Invitation

Now is the opportunity for new possibilities for small groups. Everyone is invited to consider your participation.


  1. You’re new to Hope and are interested in beginning a relationship with a small group.
  2. You’ve been a part of Hope for a while and are not part of a small group, but now is the right time for you to participate.
  3. You’re currently part of a small group but would like to change. This includes, but is not limited to, being part of a small group with a different focus, or with a different meeting time or place; not being part of a small group for the present time, etc.
  4. You’re not interested in any change to your small group participation right now.
  5. Here is the form to print off and fill out and return to church office.
  6. Small group online form 2018

Women’s Ministry

Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m., women from Hope get together for a time of sharing, eating, and Bible Study.

Women also get together Thursday evenings at 7:00p.m. for a time of study.